Armour Home adds ‘Armour TV’ to its website

21 avril 2009

Armour Home have announced that it has added a dedicated Video clip section to its website, where both consumers and trade visitors can view clips about many of Armour’s brands and products.

Cinenow after 10 years of filming and with 2,000 videos features heavily on various products that Armour distribute.

Steve Reichert, Armour Home’s PR Manager said: “We’ve created a library of more than 50 video clips about our products. There is one clip from national television, but they are mainly ‘Product Videos’ produced by our suppliers, or brand and product related interviews conducted at trade and public shows by leading consumer technology websites.”

Steve continued: “Naturally, we have designated the section ‘Armour TV’ and will add further clips when they become available. In addition, we have plans to create our own product videos to explain the features and benefits of models from our own brands such as Q Acoustics, QED, Goldring, Audica, Myryad and Systemline.”

He concluded: “I don’t think Mr Murdoch and Sky TV need be concerned about the level of competition just yet, but with a company that’s as ambitious and forward thinking as Armour, who knows what the future may hold?”

The ‘Armour TV’ section of the Armour Home website can be viewed HERE


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