Jean-Michel Billaut : The futur of video streaming & rich media

6 avril 2004

Looking into his crystal ball of the future, Jean-Michel BILLAUT , the French Internet "Gouru", gives us his insight for the potential developments for streaming video and rich media via Internet. As CineNow! has just launched this new section in high definition streaming video for product clips, interviews and Special Reports, we wanted to offer you an exclusive interview by the French specialist in this domain with his vision of what this new concept will offer professional clients for their communications strategy.

"Internet has now achieved its position as a media and streaming is the first step in what will become a whole new way to communicate to potential clients in the next 3 to 5 years" says Jean-Michel BILLAUT .


Click here to see the Interview


And the vision of this specialist does not stop there. In a recent interview with Toshiba he explains " As homo sapiens we have experienced two major revolutions in our history. Each of these revolutions has changed every aspect of our daily lives. The first one took place 10,000 years ago with the Neolithic period and its agricultural revolution; the second is much closer to us: the Industrial Revolution of 250 years ago. Now we are heading for a 3rd Revolution brought about by nanotechnologies, "robo sapiens" (humanoid robots with "processing power" that is at least equal to if not greater than that of homo sapiens), renewable resources, etc… This revolution will happen around the middle of this century and the Internet will play the role that the printing press played between the 1st and the 2nd Revolutions, but with an immeasurable power to build and disseminate new knowledge…"

JM BILLAUT is Chairman and Founder of the BNP Paribas Workshop as well as advisor to André Labarrère, Mayor of Pau for the launch of Pau BroadBand Country . He was also responsible for the innovative concept of the " Fête de l'Internet ", a national event that has allowed millions of people in France over the past 6 years to discover the Web. He has received for his career the distinguished French Legion d'Honneur . The title photo shows Mr. BILLAUT meeting Jacques Chirac during a working meeting about the Internet held at the Palais de l'Elysée . He can be contacted at


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