Sonus Faber Venere 2.5 : Winner EISA Loudspeaker 2013-2014 Award

4 septembre 2013

Here again was another one of the categories with the most potential winners, so hats off to Sonus Faber for this year’s Award.

This Italian loudspeaker manufacturer is renown for its music excellence for now over 30 years, and this model, following in the lineage of their quality techniques, is clearly “pleasing to both the eye and the ear” in the opinion of the judges. Listen to what they have to say.

Sonus Faber Venere 2.5

Venere 2.5 Click on the image to watch the EISA video clip

Here is what the judges had to say:

Inspired by its high-end Aida loudspeaker, the Venere 2.5 is the more affordable of two floorstanding models in Sonus faber’s new range. The sweeping aesthetic of the Venere 2.5 with its tilted apex topped in glass and double curve of its cabinet walls combines beauty with great strength, controlling any unwanted vibrations from its two bass/mid units. Treble is handled by a 29mm fabric-dome tweeter, helping to deliver music that’s vivid and colourful but also refined and undemanding over long listening sessions. The Venere 2.5 is available in stunning piano black or white finishes in addition to polished wood veneers. This is a loudspeaker that succeeds in pleasing both the eye and the ear.

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