D-Box, because feeling is believing!

2 juillet 2013

The D-Box experience is always a pleasure, as we will never forget the first time over 12 years ago! At the recent CineEurope 2013, we were invited with a small group to assist at a demonstration in their incredibly comfortable cinema at the show with no more than twenty armchairs. Once inside, we were asked to adjust the level of the “feeling” our seat.

Of course everyone was there to see and feel as much as possible so we all set the maximum level… and “Fast & Furious 5” started. It was amazing the reaction of everyone when in a synchronized way with the movie, the seats began to move. Slowly, quickly, from right to the left, from back to front…. vibrations were everywhere when the tank crushes all that crossed its way. We all felt the hit of a car in our seats. And then, when there was a slow motion scene with “our” car falling from the bridge, everyone clearly felt a bit of dizziness…


Feeling is Believing

The trailer of the film ended and what caught our attention was when they repeated the same short extract from the movie without any motion or movement. There was really something missing, but we had been warned! Everyone expressed that the realism that was experienced during the film projection was obviously completely different with D-Box activated.

That kind of special seats were in purple or red for cinemas or can even be whatever the custom interior designer wants when installed in a home cinema! The models on demonstration are able to offer between 4,000 to 7,000 precisely coded motion movements, with an individual intensity control as well as multilevel sensations, from subtle to intense.


D-Box at CineEurope 2013

It’s always a great moment to enjoy that additional dimension that D-Box offers!

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